I'm Back!! Finally
Hello Everybody,
I hope you have all been keeping well. It has been a very long time since I last published anything on my blog. I believe my last post was full of promises which I did intend to keep but my life took a very bad turn and I just didn't have the time or emotional energy to fulfill any promises. I don't really want to share too much about my lose but it was a great lose to me and my family. I have taken the past year to really just get back to normal life and find emotional stability again so I'm finally feeling a lot more like myself these days :). I can finally say I think I'm ready to get back to blogging...yay!! In other news I changed jobs and am now able to blog and what not during my shift which is awesome!! So I really have no excuse anymore lol.
Coming up I have some Makeup Revolution products I want to review and maybe a post on high street prices vs high end prices and if the quality really is worth the extra money. I have been on a Makeup Revolution obsession recently and have purchased a good several products from them. I'm pretty impressed and really excited to share my views on the company and products that I've purchased!!
Anyhow I'm glad to be back and very excited about getting my blog back on track and maybe changing a few things. I have never been the best when it comes to graphics and layouts and stuff of that kind but I really want to do a whole overhaul of this blog. It feels so dated and meh lol. Also noticed that some of my images from old posts have disappeared.....completely baffled by that! The only thing I can think of that may have caused that is I changed my phone ( My Samsung note 1 met its end with a face plant onto my coffee table...I cried...just a little) I now have a Sony Xperia Z2 which has an excellent camera so my photo quality should improve at least. I used to blog from my Samsung and the images that have disappeared I remember were from my phone, so apologies for that.
Anyhow I feel like I'm just trying to fill space now and wanted to keep this post short so please keep your eyes out for my new reviews and I'll be back soon!!
Thanks for Reading Embur xx
Hi!! Yeah I would love to support each other!! Checked your blog. Its really good!! Thanks for reaching out to me :D. I have started following you!! xx