
Showing posts from January, 2013

Kat Dennings inspired makeup...

So..was going out last night and I had been watching 2 broke girls before I started getting ready. I admit I've a bit of a girl crush on Kat so it only felt right that I tried her signiture look!! Ive also been getting bored of my usual go-to makeup looks so I fancied trying out the dark lips and cat liner....I loved it!! Got sooooo many compliments from my friends and i felt really good!! So thank you Kat Dennings for inspiring me to try this dark,sultry look lol :p.   I know the photo isn't great but this was just a fun post. Think I'll re-do it though for some fun!! :D 

Flower power....

In my last post I said I was thinking of doing more nail tutorials ( seeing as nails is my profession lol, makes sense ) so I have been busy practising my freehand flowers. These flowers are something ive wanted to learn for ages and now im sooooo happy ive finally learnt the right technique!! So I hope you enjoy as much as ive enjoyed doing them!!! If you would like some step by step pictures...then let me know ;) Thanks for reading! Embur x

Halloween 2012......Dead Doll Tutorial

Hi Everyone! This is just a quick post about Halloween 2012...I really wanted to show you guys my costume :D. I have always loved Dead Doll costumes and makeup ( not the figurines), so for this look I was going for a china doll/dead doll/dead little girl but with a Harlequin/Gothic twist! I had to dress up for work so below is two different days. The first three pictures are of my practice run, which turned out excellent!! But when it came to Halloween morning I didn't give myself enough time so the finished images are more rushed. I hope you enjoy this post anyways and I will happily make a video tutorial for this look if I get enough people wanting it ;) These are some pictures I took when I was doing a "practice run". The eyebrows covered SOOOO much better in the practice run than on the day I wore this look out (typical)....  This is a terrible photo in general but my eyebrows started to come away within an hour of being in work :(... lol. Th...

Welcome 2013!!

Hi Everyone!! I know, I know,  it has been a very long time!! Apologies... life got in the way but I'm back and ready to start blogging again!!! Yay!! Things to look forward too are nail designs, makeup looks and tutorials and I might even throw some life stuff in there as well!! But keep checking this space for new reviews and updates and we'll be rolling again in no time :D xx Laters Peeps xxx